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Informations de l'offre d'emploi
Ingénieur statisticien
INSERM IPLESP depuis 1384 Jours
Catégorie de l'offre d'emploi: Santé publique
Métier: Etudes, recherche, développement
Type de poste: CDD
Durée du contrat: 3 mois. Prolongation possible
Temps de travail: Temps plein
Langues: Français, Anglais
Date de prise de poste: 01-02-2021
Commune: Paris
Département: 75
Rémunération: Selon les grilles de l'Inserm
Autres conditions du poste: 
Télétravail possible: Oui
Date limite de candidature: 02-11-2020
Pièce jointe: 
Publié: 02-10-2020
Statut de l'offre d'emploi
Date de publication: 02-10-2020
Fin de publication: 02-11-2020
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Description de l'offre


 The applicant will work with Gwenn Menvielle at ERES (Research Team in Social Epidemiology, IPLESP). The project deals with return to work after breast cancer and is based on the CANTO cohort (12000 women diagnosed with early breast cancer and followed up 6 years after diagnosis, prospective data collection). This project includes two other research teams (one in Gustave Roussy led by Ines Vaz-Luis, medical oncologist and one at ECEVE led by Agnès Dumas, sociologist). The aim of the project is to better understand the intertwined effect of clinical, health-related and social factors on job trajectories after breast cancer.

Missions / Contenu du poste

The applicant will have two main tasks: 1/ perform the datamanagement and prepare the dataset that will be used by all persons working in the CANTO project; 2/ perform statistical analyses.

More specifically, the applicant will

Clean the dataset (Datamanagement)

Prepare the documentation related to the dataset

Perform statistical analyses in relation with Gwenn Menvielle

Provide statistical support to the other people working in the project (PhD students, Master students)

Help with the writing of scientific papers

Participate to the weekly seminars of ERES


Compétences requises / profil attendu

Master 2 in public health

Use of statistical software (R, SAS, STATA…)

Data-management of large datasets

Good level of written and spoken English

Ability to interact with the other members of the CANTO project (researchers, PhD students, statisticians)

Sense of organisation

Sense of autonomy

Modalités de candidature

Adresser votre CV et lettre de motivation et deux lettres de recommandations à

Gwenn Menvielle

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