Profil épidémiologique des personnes exposées à la rage à Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
Résumé en Français
L’objectif de ce travail était d’étudier le profil épidémiologique des personnes exposées à la rage au centre antirabique (CAR) d’Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. Il s’agit d’une étude transversale qui a porté sur toutes les personnes exposées au risque rabique et suivies dans le centre antirabique de janvier à décembre 2008. Durant la période d’étude, 2 673 personnes ont été exposées, soit 5 expositions pour 10 000 personnes et 1 534 (57,40 %) étaient de sexe masculin. Les tranches d’âges les plus exposées étaient les 0-9 ans et 10-19 ans avec respectivement 26,6 % et 24,6 %. À Abidjan, 608 personnes soit 22,7 % ont été exposées à Cocody ; 471 personnes soit 17,6 % à Abobo et 310 personnes soit 11,6 % à Yopougon. L’exposition avait lieu dans 76,9 % des cas (2 055 personnes) à domicile et concernaient exclusivement les visiteurs de la famille. Les expositions par morsures d’animaux représentaient 88,1 % (2 354 personnes) et 23,2 % (620 personnes) des expositions étaient de catégorie III. Le délai moyen de consultation était de 10 jours. Les sujets ont été exposés par contact avec un chien dans 92,1 % des cas (2 462 sujets). L’animal a été retrouvé vivant dans 74,9 % des cas (2002 cas), il était non vacciné dans 87,2 % des cas (2 331). La prophylaxie post exposition a été abandonnée par 1 470 personnes (55,26 %). Par ailleurs, 13 sujets ont été reçus au stade de rage clinique. La connaissance du profil épidémiologique de l’exposition à la rage contribuera à améliorer la prise en charge de cette maladie en Côte d’Ivoire.
English abstract
The epidemiological profile of subjects exposed to rabies in Abidjan, Ivory Coast
The purpose of this study is to describe the epidemiological profile of subjects exposed to rabies in the anti-rabies center of Abidjan in Ivory Coast. The paper is based on a cross-sectional study conducted among all people exposed to the risk of rabies and followed in the anti-rabies center from January to December 2008. During the study period, 2,673 subjects were exposed, i.e. 5 exposures for every 10,000 persons. 1,534 patients (57.4%) were male. The most exposed age groups were the 0-9 and 10-19 age groups (22.4% and 29.5% respectively). In Abidjan, 608 individuals (22.7%) were exposed in Cocody, 471 individuals (17.6%) in Abobo, and 310 individuals (11.6%) in Yopougon. Exposure occurred in 76.9% of cases (2,055 subjects) at home and exclusively concerned visitors of the family. Exposures by animal bites represented 88.1% (2,354 subjects) of all cases, while 23.2% (620 subjects) of exposures were category III. The average period between exposure and consultation was 10 days. Subjects were exposed as a result of contact with a dog in 92.1 % of cases (2,462 subjects). The animal was found alive in 74.9% (2,002 cases) and was not immunized in 87.2% of cases (2,331). Post-exposure prophylaxis was given up by 1,470 persons (55.2%). 13 subjects were received at the stage of clinical rabies. Increased knowledge of the epidemiological profile of rabies exposure will contribute to improving the management of the disease in Ivory Coast.
The purpose of this study is to describe the epidemiological profile of subjects exposed to rabies in the anti-rabies center of Abidjan in Ivory Coast. The paper is based on a cross-sectional study conducted among all people exposed to the risk of rabies and followed in the anti-rabies center from January to December 2008. During the study period, 2,673 subjects were exposed, i.e. 5 exposures for every 10,000 persons. 1,534 patients (57.4%) were male. The most exposed age groups were the 0-9 and 10-19 age groups (22.4% and 29.5% respectively). In Abidjan, 608 individuals (22.7%) were exposed in Cocody, 471 individuals (17.6%) in Abobo, and 310 individuals (11.6%) in Yopougon. Exposure occurred in 76.9% of cases (2,055 subjects) at home and exclusively concerned visitors of the family. Exposures by animal bites represented 88.1% (2,354 subjects) of all cases, while 23.2% (620 subjects) of exposures were category III. The average period between exposure and consultation was 10 days. Subjects were exposed as a result of contact with a dog in 92.1 % of cases (2,462 subjects). The animal was found alive in 74.9% (2,002 cases) and was not immunized in 87.2% of cases (2,331). Post-exposure prophylaxis was given up by 1,470 persons (55.2%). 13 subjects were received at the stage of clinical rabies. Increased knowledge of the epidemiological profile of rabies exposure will contribute to improving the management of the disease in Ivory Coast.
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Santé publique n°4, Juillet-août 2011 | p. 279 à 286 | publié le 3 janvier 2012