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Informations de l'offre d'emploi
Project Officer & Event Coordinator Nouveau
IANPHI Secretariat depuis 6 Jours
Catégorie de l'offre d'emploi: Santé publique
Métier: Gestion de projet
Type de poste: CDI
Durée du contrat:
Temps de travail: Temps plein
Langues: Français, Anglais
Date de prise de poste: 26-08-2024
Commune: Saint-Maurice
Département: 94
Rémunération: Range of monthly salary according to years of experience: With Master diploma level: From 0 to 2 years of experience, net salary prior income tax from approx. 2 250 EUR to 2 400 EUR. Please note that the monthly salary will increase according to years of experience.
Autres conditions du poste: Titres restaurant
Télétravail possible: Oui
Date limite de candidature: 07-07-2024
Publié: 24-06-2024
Statut de l'offre d'emploi
Date de publication: 24-06-2024
Fin de publication: 08-07-2024
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Description de l'offre


The International Association of National Institutes of Public Health (IANPHI) is a network of directors of national public health institutes (NPHIs) ( which currently counts with 123 members, covers 103 countries and is structured into four regional networks (Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America). Its mission is to strengthen global public health capacities by connecting national public health institutes across the world to build global capacities and to create a fairer world. IANPHI is an inclusive and independent professional association, which promotes an evidene-based approach to public health and strives for scientific excellence.  

Since 2016, the IANPHI Secretariat has been hosted in Paris by Santé publique France, the French Agency of Public Health. The Secretariat plays a central role in the organization of the Association and the animation of activities under the guidance of the President, the Secretary General, and the Executive Board of Directors. IANPHI has an office in the United States, based at Emory University, Atlanta. The Association is an international non-profit association under Belgian law. The IANPHI Secretariat team is composed of 4 staff members and one intern. 

Missions / Contenu du poste

Mission: The Project Officer and Event Coordinator ensures the efficient coordination and organization of IANPHI's global and regional events, supports the network of Directors, Institutes and Partners, carries out various administrative tasks to implement the Association's strategic goals, and supports the governance to ensure the Association’s proper functioning and development.  


Activities related to the organization of IANPHI global and regional events & IANPHI webinars (60%)

Organization of the global Annual Meeting (Mozambique, April 2025) (call for hosting, supervision of legal process for contract drafting and signature, program coordination and elaboration, logistic coordination, budget monitoring, communication, registration management, on-site event and team coordination, etc.).  

Organization of the General Assembly (call for applications, collection of applications in compliance with the IANPHI Statutes and Internal rules, online voting organization and supervision, etc.). 

Organization of the Europe Network Annual Meeting (location to be confirmed, Autumn 2025) (call for hosting, program coordination and elaboration, logistic coordination, communication, registration management, on-site event and team coordination, etc.).  

Supervision and technical support for the organization of IANPHI webinars. 

Activities related to strengthening a Regional Network (20%) 

 Support to Chair and Vice-Chair in drafting the Regional Network’s annual Workplan. Implementation and monitoring of related activities. 

Support for the development of the Regional Network: prospection of new members, communication with members, organization of online meetings, minutes and reports writing.  

Follow-up and coordination of the Association’s external partnerships in the region. 

Conduct specific projects and address requests. 

Activities related to strengthening the network of Directors, Institutes and Partners (20%) 

 Administrative and organizational support to the various activities related to the implementation of the Action Plan, which reflects the 2021-2025 Strategy. 

Contribution to the Association’s communication strategy. Link with the U.S. Office to update the IANPHI website and social network.  

Provide responses, support and guidance to members and partners. 

Secretariat's tools update and implementation 

  • Consultation and organization of member surveys, contribution to the data analysis and related reports. 
  • Research and use of new tools and processes to improve the effectiveness of the Secretariat’s actions. 
  • Administrative and organizational support for data management. 
  • Updating of thematic files and management of the common mailbox.

Compétences requises / profil attendu


Desired experience in the public health sector or within an international association/organization/institution. Effective experience in organizing international events is an advantage. 


  • Excellent writing and communication skills in English and French are required. 
  • Fluency in another language would be an advantage. 
  • Knowledge of international organizations working in the field of public health would be an asset.  

Functional skills 

  • Experience in project coordination 
  • Set, use and interpret data 
  • Ability to analyze and synthesize 
  • Know-how in writing administrative documents (letters, call for applications) 
  • Know-how in writing documents for internal use (notes, report) 
  • Mastery of Office tools (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint) 
  • Mastery of graphic tools, survey creation program 

Social skills 

  • Good oral and written communication, ability to inform 
  • Autonomy, initiative and proactivity 
  • Capacity to handle pressure throughout the organization of an in-person event 
  • Search for relevant information and solutions 
  • Attention to detail 
  • Adaptability 
  • Ability to work in a team
Modalités de candidature

Submission of CV and cover letter to with the reference " IANPHI – Project Officer and Event Coordinator " by email before July 7, 2024 (23h59). 

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